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Re: Download
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
oh.. i never checked that link when i put it for download today..
i think i have a copy of that file on my other computer (that i have been cleaning) ill try to get it online later tonight.

Posted on: 2006/10/24 12:02
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Spotlight News With News Categories With Custom Images.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
I Saw This Post At Xoops.Org It Got Me Thinking. I Think That Would Be A Great Addition To A New Block For XM-Spotlight. But The Problem I See Is The Whole Including An Image To News Article Thing. If Anyone Has A Hack For News Articles With Associated Images, Feel Free To Post And If Anyone Knows Of Any 'News 1.44' Hacks.

10 hacks for the Xoops News module [english version]

Posted on: 2006/10/23 7:12
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!! Words & Acronyms !!
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
This is The Ever Increasing List of Words and Acronyms
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary
IMHO | In My Honest Opinion

XOOPS_URL | The Variable Used To Describe Your Website URL (EX.
XOOPS_PATH | The Variable Used To Describe The Location Where You Installed XooPS At On The WebServer (ex. /home/user/public_html)

Posted on: 2006/10/21 15:23

Edited by Bandit-X on 2006/10/21 16:13:39
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Re: XM-Spotlight 1.02 In The Works.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154

wilson wrote:

So let me understand....
Than function is a News 1.44 native one?

Do you think It´ll be impossible to just push the subs from the xmospotligh only?

As you know I´m not a coder but I´ll try to help to get that function working nice

its a modified function.. and it works, but i didnt check if it will always work or if there would be a situation where it will break .
The version of XM-Spotlight im working on has it working, but the thing is that i modified the class file and i'll have to change some code in the module to include the new file i gotta include with the module . and i am also changing the database table a bit. (i had to temporarilty put the saved settings somewhere so i just put it in a new row in the table. so now i gotta find a better spot for it.)

im also working on making this module work with other languages and a couple of the admin things are hardcoded in english, so thats gotta be changed. Edit:. decided not to change the admin at this point. maybe later. other things are more important at the moment.

and i also changed the function a bit.

Posted on: 2006/10/20 20:50

Edited by Bandit-X on 2006/10/22 7:47:00
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Re: XM-Spotlight 1.02 In The Works.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
i was planning on releasing something today, but lately i've been a bit busy looking for something for my dish.

well here is some code from a modified getAllPublished function from 'class/class.newsstory.php', when subs is true. the function looks in the database for the categories with the 'parent id' with the 'topic_id' ($topic) that is passed . but it only goes 1 deep at the moment. this funtion is is not fully tested yet.
function getAllPublishedMore($limit=0, $start=0, $checkRight=false, $topic=0, $ihome=0, $asobject=true, $order = 'published', $topic_frontpage=false, $subs = false)
	$db =& Database::getInstance();
	$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
	$ret = array();
	//if subs is true
	if ($subs == True){
		$sqlz = "SELECT topic_id FROM ".$db->prefix('topics')." WHERE (topic_pid=".$topic.")";
		$resultz = $db->query($sqlz);
		$critadd ='';
		while ( $topicz = $db->fetchArray($resultz) ) {
        $critadd .= " OR topicid=".$topicz['topic_id']." ";

   $critadd .= ")";
  }elseif ($subs == False){
    //if subs is false
  $sql = "SELECT s.*, t.* FROM ".$db->prefix("stories")." s, ". $db->prefix("topics")." t WHERE (published > 0 AND published <= ".time().") AND (expired = 0 OR expired > ".time().") AND (s.topicid=t.topic_id) ";
  if ($topic != 0) {
	    if (!is_array($topic)) {
	    	if($checkRight) {
      			$topics = MygetItemIds('news_view');
	    		if(!in_array ($topic,$topics)) {
	    			return null;
	    		} else {
	    			$sql .= " AND (topicid=".intval($topic)." ".$critadd." AND (ihome=1 OR ihome=0)";
	    	} else {
	        	$sql .= " AND topicid=".intval($topic)." AND (ihome=1 OR ihome=0)";
	    } else {
			if($checkRight) {
				$topics = MygetItemIds('news_view');
	    		$topic = array_intersect($topic,$topics);
	    	if(count($topic)>0) {
	        	$sql .= " AND topicid IN (".implode(',', $topic).")";
	    	} else {
	    		return null;
	} else {
	    if($checkRight) {
	        $topics = MygetItemIds('news_view');
	        if(count($topics)>0) {
	        	$topics = implode(',', $topics);
	        	$sql .= " AND topicid IN (".$topics.")";
	        } else {
	        	return null;
		if (intval($ihome) == 0) {
			$sql .= " AND ihome=0";
	if($topic_frontpage) {
		$sql .=" AND t.topic_frontpage=1";
	$sql .= " ORDER BY s.$order DESC";
	$result = $db->query($sql,intval($limit),intval($start));

	while ( $myrow = $db->fetchArray($result) ) {
		if ($asobject) {
			$ret[] = new NewsStory($myrow);
		} else {
			$ret[$myrow['storyid']] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow['title']);

	return $ret;

Posted on: 2006/10/20 11:56

Edited by Bandit-X on 2006/10/20 12:22:15
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Re: XM-Spotlight 1.02 In The Works.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
well i got the subcategory thing working. but i had to edit one of the news function in the newsstory. so i gotta figure out how i'll get this released with the XM-Spotlight Module.

option for show/hide date
custom date
show sub-category checkbox

no download until after i figure out how i'll release the next build

Posted on: 2006/10/15 20:01
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Re: XM-Spotlight 1.02 In The Works.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
im not really sure. im actually kinda new to php and mysql.

Posted on: 2006/10/12 18:22
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Re: XM-Spotlight 1.02 In The Works.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
XM-Spotlight Beta 2. is not in the downloads section yet. there are a couple of people testing it right now.. i think. and the category -subcategory function is not in the module yet. i havent worked it on it much since the end of september. but im working on it this weekend. i gotta read up on JOIN.

Posted on: 2006/10/12 4:58

Edited by Bandit-X on 2006/10/12 5:47:43
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Re: XM-Spotlight 1.02 Beta2 Ideas.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
this idea is kinda far out there.... not sure if i would even do it.

Posted on: 2006/10/3 7:08
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XM-Spotlight 1.02 Beta2 Ideas.
2006/6/3 9:27
From UsA - MiChIgAn
Posts: 154
So A Couple Of People Are Currently Testing The 1.02 Beta2 Version. Well 2 people, not including myself.

So I Was Thinking.. What About Making The Module More Modular.. Like Plugins.. Make The News Spotlight A Plugin To XM-Spotlight..But Then I Was Thinking.. There Is Gonna Be A Problem With The Blocks. Since They Go In The Blocks Folder. And Their Templates Are Defined In The xoops_version file and the php file for the block and the functions to use when showing and editing it..

so i was thinking again.. now this is almost all theory.. (so i was using the 'wordpress me' module a couple of days ago.. trying to truncate text and stuff.. but that is not what im gettin at.. i saw that the block's template was handled differently there..and no template data in teh database.. its from a php file.. the php file for the block. and in the block's setting you could specify the name of a different template to use for the block).. so my theory is.. to have 3 types of blocks in xm-spotlight (3 being my favorite number and im just using it as an example). and each of them are cloneable. (keep in mind that i havent tested out cloned blocks in a while. and their database settings).. if the cloned blocks held their own data.. then the cloned block could be used to specify a template that you add later to the module.. and then wouldnt you also need to specify which plugin this block would use.. well yea.. also .. there would be an option in the block config for that..(that dropdown list would be generated from a list in the database . of installed plugins)

so here is the recap on how i think the module would be used
1. to. install new plugin.. (lets call it 'news')
so the news plugin would be in a folder called news. with a folder in it called templates and others.. (i dont know what others yet)
2. so drop the news folder in the xmspotlight/plugins folder
3. go in to the xmspotlight admin.. and install the plugin.. (it runs some fancy mysql commands (make the plugin work)
4. then u clone a block and specify the plugin. and settings and there will also be a dropdownlist for the templates to use.

** i dont know how the user will know which blocks go with what and how the plugins structure will work.. but it sounds like a GREAT IDEA

Posted on: 2006/9/28 19:57

Edited by Bandit-X on 2006/10/3 7:04:28
Edited by Bandit-X on 2006/10/3 7:04:49
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