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Hacks. : Hide Hack From Xoops.Org News
Posted by Bandit-X on Sep-03-2007 (6642 reads)

I Saw This Posted At XooPS.Org And So I Adapted It To Use With Frameworks 1.20| Hacks : Hidden Content Hack

in the config.php file in the textsanitizer folder in Frameworks 1.20 . Insert This Line


and then edit module.textsanitizer.php to enable the hide plugin in the function xoopsCodeDecode_extended. (in my example i have enabled the hide plugin and also a module that loads bbcode plugin files.)

		//Enable Hide Plugin
		//Done Loading
		//if bbcoder is enabled then.. we run the plugin that includes the extra plugins
			include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/bbcoder/include/functions_lite.php";
			bbcoder_loadplugin('TEXTSANITIZER', $this);

and then place the file hide.php in the plugins folder. contents of the file are.
Credits: invision hide hack adapted by maydo, modification of canbula's hide tag
Purpose: using Hidden Content in news, newbb, sections etc. modules.

File Made By Bandit-X

function textsanitizer_hide(&$ts)

	$ts->patterns[] = "/\[hide](.*)\[\/hide\]/sU";

		if($_SESSION['xoopsUserId']) {
			$ts->replacements[] = '\\1';
			$ts->replacements[] = '<a href="'.XOOPS_URL.'/register.php"><img src="'.XOOPS_URL.'/hidden.gif" alt="Hidden Content" /></a>';


ps.. i need to modify the credits on that file...

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