I Saw This Posted At XooPS.Org And So I Adapted It To Use With Frameworks 1.20Xoops.org| Hacks : Hidden Content Hack
XooPSPurpose: The Ability To Use Upper/Lower Case BBCodes In XooPSthe file is .. /class/module.textsanitizer.phphere is what the pattern should look like for img...
$patterns[] = "/\[img]([^\"\(\)\?\&'<>]*)\[\/img\]/sUi";
XooPSPurpose: Changes The siteurl BBcode to open the link in the same windowfile: class/module.textsanitizer.php
$patterns[] = "/\[siteurl=(['\"]?)([^\"'<>]*)\\1](.*)\[\/siteurl\]/sU"; $replacements[] = '<a href="'.XOOPS_URL.'/\\2" target="_self">\\3</a>';