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Site Announcements : Hello 2016!
Posted by Bandit-X on Mar-11-2016 (3374 reads)

It's 2016 and I decided to put my site back online but registrations are disabled. I'll try to update the site and turn registrations back on before April.

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Site Announcements : Happy New Year 2010
Posted by Bandit-X on Jan-01-2010 (3528 reads)
Site Announcements

Happy New Year 2010 A.D.

May The New Year Bring Happiness To All.

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Site Announcements : Announcement Nov .2009
Posted by Bandit-X on Nov-13-2009 (4033 reads)

It's been a while since I worked on my site, but don't worry I haven't abandoned it. During the next few days there will be some updates.

* projects page (links to some projects and where to find info about them . of course it will only be modules that I was involved with)
* open registration (for those who feel like registering)
* open forum (slight template tweaks)
* usage of a media manager.

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Site Announcements : Site Update During First Week Of March 2008
Posted by Bandit-X on Feb-19-2008 (4576 reads)

I Shall Be Updating The Site During The First Week Of March Of 2008 AD.(BE. 2551 ). The Updates Includes New Modules. Slight Re-Organization Of The Site's Layout.

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Site Announcements : Reworking The Site.
Posted by Bandit-X on Aug-29-2007 (3111 reads)

The site is being reworked a bit. the blog is gonna be fed to the site and the current forum needs a template update.

spotlight module needs to be modified a bit also. so basically the whole site needs to be checked and modified where necessary.

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