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Modules : XM-Spotlight 1.02 Juin 10, 2008, Needs Some Testing.
Posted by Bandit-X on Jun-11-2008 (4836 reads)

Some Bug Fixes, and Some Code Changes To Make It Run Better/Faster. (Tested On XCL and XooPS, News 1.56, PHP5, MySQL 5)

Download Link. [Here]

*There Will Be No ChangeLog Or Readme File.

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Site Announcements : Site Update During First Week Of March 2008
Posted by Bandit-X on Feb-19-2008 (4575 reads)

I Shall Be Updating The Site During The First Week Of March Of 2008 AD.(BE. 2551 ). The Updates Includes New Modules. Slight Re-Organization Of The Site's Layout.

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Modules : XMSPOTLIGHT SEPTEMBER 2007 Download
Posted by Bandit-X on Sep-23-2007 (4405 reads)

Thanks To All The People On XooPS. And The Input And Suggestions. Since Dev.Xoops have been up and down lately I've put the download on sourceforge. Not Many Changes, Been Busy With A New Version That Will be able to use other modules and other things.

New Version: XM-Spotlight

Current Features:
* Displays A Block That Has The List Of x News Articles In A Category Or The Category and Its SubCategories.
* Able To Select Up To 12 Categories. In The Block.
* Also The Ability To 'Spotlight' Articles. (To Display An Article And Its 'The Scoop' On The Block)
* Category Setting To Show or Not Show Category Image
* To Show Custom Spotlight Image or The Topic Image or No Image.

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Hacks. : Hide Hack From Xoops.Org News
Posted by Bandit-X on Sep-03-2007 (6644 reads)

I Saw This Posted At XooPS.Org And So I Adapted It To Use With Frameworks 1.20| Hacks : Hidden Content Hack

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Site Announcements : Reworking The Site.
Posted by Bandit-X on Aug-29-2007 (3111 reads)

The site is being reworked a bit. the blog is gonna be fed to the site and the current forum needs a template update.

spotlight module needs to be modified a bit also. so basically the whole site needs to be checked and modified where necessary.

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